Friday 6 January 2012


2. Articulate!

Players: 4 - 20+
Ages: 12+
Time: Depending on number of teams, 1 - 2 hours
Type of game: Party, Descriptive
Reccomended?: Yes-ish

The rules of Articulate! are simple:

1. Spin the spinny thingy in the board to pick a category

2. Pull cards from a box and, in 30 seconds, describe as many words from that category to your teammates by mostly saying umm, urrr and thingy

3. Move your pawn forward the number of words your team successfully guessed

4. Spend 5 minutes shouting at/being shouted at by your teammates/the other teams about how obvious your description was/how obscure your description was/how you can't believe they don't know who (insert political figure here) is/how you could have done it better if you only had a brain

5. Pass the box to the next team and prepare to mock them

There's a few other rules that insert some randomness and dictate how you can describe your words but, other than that, it's a game of shouting, disbelief at your collective stupidity and relief as you manage to guess at least 1 word correctly.

Like most games of its ilk it can be unbalanced if you have a team that is particularly in sync which can, like playing Trivial Pursuit with a Mastermind champion, suck the fun right out of it.

Hugely successful in the UK, recently we have been blessed with variants like Small Person with Less References to Politics and other Things of Value Edition and Obsessed with Myself, TOWIE, Crappy Gossip Magazines and Have Limited Understanding of Situation in the Middle East (Is That Where Madonna/Angelina/Jordan Got Her Baby From?) Edition. Needless to say, these are somewhat more biased to those who have had less exposure to the real world either through shortness of time on the planet or smallness of mind. #JUDGING.

Nevertheless, there are worse things to do with your time and Articulate! is as fun as the people you are playing with.

If you can't be bothered with the board, the spinner and pieces then take the box and timer and take it in turns to describe words to everyone. Successful guessers get the card with the word and once everyone has described once/twice/thrice/fource (delete as applicable according to patience level) the game is over. If you are obsessed with winning and losing and Being Better Than Others count up your cards and the player with most correct guesses is the winner and is allowed to visit the Queen.

Buy it in toy shops, WH Smiths, department stores or down below

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